Eye - The Cleveland Museum of Art Watercolor on ivory set in a ring with split pearl border Unframed: 1 cm (3/8 in.); Diameter of frame: 1.5 cm (9/16 in.)
Eye - The Cleveland Museum of Art Watercolor on ivory Diameter of frame: 2.4 cm (15/16 in.)
Portrait of a Left Eye - Philadelphia Museum of Art Watercolor on ivory. Dimensions: 5/16 x 1/2 inches (0.8 x 1.3 cm)
Portrait of a Right Eye - Philadelphia Museum of Art Watercolor on ivory, mounted on a ring. Dimensions: 1 1/8 x 11/16 inches (2.9 x 1.7 cm)
Eye Miniature - Victoria and Albert Museum Square frame edged with 12 pink stones. Brown iris. Close up of face.
Eye Miniature - Victoria and Albert Museum Portrait miniature of an eye, probably male, medium brown in color, with fringe of red hair also visible.
Eye Miniature - Victoria and Albert Museum Oblong frame set with 14 dark pink stones. Blue iris. Close up of face.
Portrait of a Right Eye - Philadelphia Museum of Art Watercolor on ivory Dimensions:Diameter: 3/4 inches (1.9 cm)
Memorandum Case with a Portrait of a Woman's Left Eye - Philadelphia Museum of Art
Memorandum case with an insert of seven ivory leaves and two pencils. Miniature: 1 5/16 x 9/16 inches (3.3 x 1.4 cm) Case: 3 7/8 x 3 3/16 inches (9.9 x 8.1 cm)
Eye Miniature - Victoria and Albert Museum Oval shaped frame set with 20 small pearls. Blue iris. Close up of face. Two diamond "tears".