Foca (Seal) Miniature from folio 106r from Der naturen bloeme (KB KA 16) by Jacob van Maerlant. Depicts what the artist believed a seal to look like.
Eleus (sea-calf) miniature from folio 106r from Der naturen bloeme (KB KA 16) by Jacob van Maerlant. Depicts the artists idea of what a sea-calf looks like.
Lion next to the prophet Daniel A detail from the statue of Daniel, the lion is an allusion to Daniel's victory over the lions. This one is under his right foot.
Whale next to the prophet Jonah A detail from the statue of Jonah, the sinuous silhouette of the whale, complete with toothy maw, seems to emerge as if from a Rococo fountain
Cornuti (kind of snake) Miniature from folio 123r from Der naturen bloeme (KB KA 16) by Jacob van Maerlant
Rhinoceros engraving on laid paper
sheet (trimmed within plate mark): 24.1 x 34.5 cm (9 1/2 x 13 9/16 in.)
Bartsch, no. 47
Ocelot: the evolution of taxidermy A detail from the Museum für Naturkunde's "Ocelot: the evolution of taxidermy". The focus is on a mounted ocelot from 1818 done by a taxidermist who had never seen a live ocelot and had nothing but the skin and a few sketches of the animal, lacking basic anatomical knowledge.
Perna (Oyster) Miniature from folio 108v from Der naturen bloeme (KB KA 16) by Jacob van Maerlant
Leo the Lion
The Kongouro from New Holland A small kangaroo perched on a rock in left profile but looking back over its left shoulder, with a valley of light scrub behind backed by mountains and a cloudy sky.