Aerial View from East After Fire, Vander Ende-Onderdonk House, 1978
Sepia tone photograph depicting aerial view of Vander End-Onderdonk House (Queens, NY) after 1975 fire. Visible in the image: the stone house, gambrel roof, brick addition, yard, Onderdonk Avenue (east), Flushing Avenue (north), and surrounding buildings. There is visible damage to the gambrel roof and top of brick addition. Cars line both avenues. This photograph (c. 1978) is part of a physical collection belonging to the Greater Ridgewood Historical Society. -
Curb of Gambrel Roof After Fire, Vander Ende-Onderdonk House, 1977
Black and white photograph depicting partial interior view (attic) of the Vander Ende-Onderdonk House (Queens, NY), after 1975 fire. Visible in the image: partially intact underside of gambrel roof, charred support beams, and remains of wood-plank floor. Attic is covered in debris, floor boards missing and broken, and side wall completely destroyed except for portion of frame. This photograph (c. 1977) is part of a physical collection belonging to the Greater Ridgewood Historical Society. -
West Exterior and Rear Facade After Fire, Vander-Ende Onderdonk House, 1978
Black and white photograph depicting side (southwest) view of the Vander Ende Onderdonk House (Queens, NY) after 1975 fire. Visible in the image: the rear facade and west side exterior of the stone house (wood-frame addition was demolished prior to fire), remains of gambrel roof, yard, and debris. Portion of factory, east across Onderdonk Avenue, visible in the background. This photograph (c. 1978) is part of a physical collection belonging to the Greater Ridgewood Historical Society. -
“Prometheus is said to be the best-known sculpture in Rockefeller Center and the most photographed monumental sculpture in all of NYC. Created by famed American sculptor Paul Manship, who held a great fascination for mythological subjects and events, it has become the main attraction of the Lower Plaza. Its central theme is best stated by the quote that’s carved in the red granite wall behind him, taken from the sixth-century B.C. Greek dramatist Aeschylus: ‘Prometheus, Teacher in Every Art, Brought the Fire That Hath Proved to Mortals a Means to Mighty Ends.’” -
East Exterior and Rear Facade After Fire, Vander Ende-Onderdonk House, 1975
Black and white photograph depicting rear (southeast) view of the Vander Ende-Onderdonk House (Queens, NY), with visible damage from 1975 fire. Visible in the image: the rear facade and east side exterior of the stone house, gambrel roof, portion of brick addition on front of house, and top of warehouse across Flushing Avenue. Digital image from the Greater Ridgewood Historical Society, collection undetermined.