modern art
Avant-testo, 22-6-99, 1999
A part of the "Avant-testo" series of ballpoint pen calligraphy onto various materials such as canvas, paper, and polyester stretched over a wooden stretcher. Blank did a series of works that were entirely monochromatic done with ballpoint pen onto a surface, usually canvas. The mundane object of a blue ballpoint pen being used to create these large-scale monochromatic works is a maddening thought for the viewer. However, her process only emphasizes the color’s symbolism as a deep and complex infinity. -
Bleu I, II, III
These three paintings are typically regarded and one triptych. The small and sparing figures, a few red and black dots, are composed so that the depth of the blue is overwhelming. The subject of the paintings are not the small figures, but the deep, almost vibrating, blue. -
Blue Monochrome
Yves Klein worked almost exclusively in the color blue. He created many monochrome paintings in the pigment he created himself, International Klein Blue. -
Femme aux Bras Croisés (Woman with Folded Arms)
Picasso's famous Blue Period took lace between the years of 1901 and 1904. During this period he painted almost exclusively in shades of blue. Often his subjects are depicted as sullen and depressed, looking away from the viewer. -
Blue Nude II
Matisse worked on a series of three blue female nudes. All three are cutouts of a stark blue in the shape of a seated female.