Potato Pudding (1716)

Recipe for a potato pudding from a book of cookery recipes, 1716 | See full image and item metadata

On February 25, 1716, Miss Mary Barnes wrote down her recipe for potato pudding— or, what we might now refer to as "mashed potatoes." 

Boyle as many potato's as you please & peale them, then pound them small, and put as much flower, as there is potato, mix it with Creame if you have it, & put any other ingredient as you would in another pudding, as fruit, spice &c: and boyle it.
Boil as many potatoes as you please and peel them, then pound them small and put in as much flour as there is potato. Mix it with cream if you have it, and put any other ingredient as you would in another pudding, like fruit, spice, etc., and boil it.