
To catalog the items on my site, I created a resource template of 9 metadata fields derived from Dublin Core elements. Several controlled vocabularies were utilized. The most useful one proved to be the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT).

Metadata Fields

Title: The name of the resource, as given in the source. Required. 

Creator: The entity primarily responsible for making the resource. Controlled vocabulary: Getty Union List of Artist Names (ULAN). 

Date: Date of creation of the resource.

Subject: The resource's topic. Controlled vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject HeadingsGetty Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT).

Description: A brief description of the resource, providing additional details, context, and dimensions where possible. Descriptions are taken from sources or written by yourself. Required.

Medium: The material of which the resource is composed. Controlled vocabulary: Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus.

Type: The nature or genre of the resource. Controlled vocabulary: Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus.

Coverage: The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant. Controlled vocabulary: URI, Wikidata

Rights: Information about the resource's rights. Controlled vocabulary: Rights Statements.

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