Self-Portrait (with a string around neck)
David Wojnarowicz Smoking David Wojnarowicz Smoking.
Self-Portrait Jumping (I) Self-portrait of Peter Hujar jumping in the air, saluting the camera and facing front.
Divine at the Metropolitan Museum Russian Opening (III) Divine at the Metropolitan Museum Russian Opening.
Lower Manhattan from the Harbor Lower Manhattan from the Harbor
Christopher Street Pier (2) Photograph of a reclining man's legs, one crossed over the other, on a bench at the Christopher Street Pier.
Candy Darling on her Deathbed Hujar’s portrait of Candy shows her in a hospital bed, surrounded by flowers, shortly before she died of cancer at the age of twenty-nine. A single rose lies on the bed by side and Candy adopts a vampish pose, her face heavily made up.
Gay Liberation Front Poster Image A group of young people, seen in full-length, walking towards the camera and linked arm in arm.
Christopher Street Pier (5) Full-length portrait of a young man, reclining on two cables at the Christopher Street Pier, facing front.
Hall, Canal Street Pier Photograph looking down an empty hallway in a state of disrepair, at the Canal Street Pier.