XII. Sir Galahad Passes from the Land
- Title
- en XII. Sir Galahad Passes from the Land
- Identifier
- 1903-04.0203.1
- Creator
- Abbey, Edwin Austin
- Date Created
- en [1893-1902]
- Source
- https://www.flickr.com/photos/boston_public_library/15261130305/in/album-72157647672175522/
- (Boston Public Library Flickr)
- Date Valid
- en 19 October 1903
- Abstract
- en Walked and chatted in the morning and after lunch drove to Boston and saw the Library... The Abbeys were awful,
- Spatial Coverage
- Boston Public Library
- Relation
- The Abbey Room Murals
- Subject
- Arthurian romances
- Galahad (Arthurian legendary character)
- Grail
- Quests (Expeditions) in literature
- Format
- Murals
- Item sets
- What Mary Saw
- Media