The Kongouro from New Holland
The Kongouro from New Holland
A small kangaroo perched on a rock in left profile but looking back over its left shoulder, with a valley of light scrub behind backed by mountains and a cloudy sky.
National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London. Acquired with the assistance of the Heritage Lottery Fund; The Eyal and Marilyn Ofer Foundation (formerly known as the Eyal Ofer Family Foundation); The Monument Trust; Art Fund (with a contribution from the Wolfson Foundation); The Crosthwaite Bequest; The Sackler Trust; Sir Harry Djanogly CBE; The Hartnett Conservation Trust; Sheila Richardson and Anthony Nixon; The Leathersellers' Company; Gapper Charitable Trust; Genevieve Muinzer and others
c. 1772
National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London. Acquired with the assistance of the Heritage Lottery Fund; The Eyal and Marilyn Ofer Foundation (formerly known as the Eyal Ofer Family Foundation); The Monument Trust; Art Fund (with a contribution from the Wolfson Foundation); The Crosthwaite Bequest; The Sackler Trust; Sir Harry Djanogly CBE; The Hartnett Conservation Trust; Sheila Richardson and Anthony Nixon; The Leathersellers' Company; Gapper Charitable Trust; Genevieve Muinzer and others