world war II
Deportation to Death (Death Train)
With more than two dozen illustrations by 11 artists of the Taller de Gráfica Popular, The Black Book of Nazi Terror in Europe (1943) was the group’s most important antifascist collaboration with the European exile community in Mexico. Supported by the government of Manuel Ávila Camacho, this groundbreaking book extensively documented Nazi atrocities through testimonies, statistics, photographs, and illustrations, with contributions by well-known European, American, and Latin American writers and artists. Many of the Taller’s illustrations were also produced as individual prints, including the three displayed here. Méndez’s Deportation to Death is perhaps the earliest print related to the Holocaust and the death camps. Méndez’s print focuses on the deportation of Jews from Europe’s ghettos, their humble clothing and pained countenances revealed in expressionistic fashion by the Nazi soldier’s lamp.