Japanese Internment Camp |1942 | USA
- Title
- San Francisco, California. Japanese family heads and persons living alone, form a line outside Civil Control Station
- Description
- San Francisco, California. Japanese family heads and persons living alone, form a line outside Civil Control Station located in the Japanese American Citizens League Auditorium at 2031 Bush Street, to appear for "processing" in response to Civilian Exclusion Order Number 20.
- Creator
- Lange, Dorothea
- Identifier
- 536422
- Date Created
- 4/25/1942
- Format
- Photographs
- Relation
- Series: Central Photographic File of the War Relocation Authority, 1942 - 1945
- Record Group 210: Records of the War Relocation Authority, 1941 - 1989
- Coverage
- San Francisco
- Spatial Coverage
- California
- Item sets
- Never in One Place