Official Report of the American Booksellers' Association: Ninth Annual Convention
This was the report from the 1909 Annual Convention and Banquet, held at Hotel Victoria and Hotel Astor, both in New York on May 11-12 1909. The interior pages describe why a bookseller should be a member of the ABA and how it would benefit their bookstore as well as tips for how to run a more profitable and successful business. The back page notes the dates for the tenth annual convention. Note: it is possible that pages were stapled in the interior since there is evidence of staple holes. This is the only copy the ABA has of this program.
ABA 1966 Convention: Advance Program
This is the advance program for ABA's Convention & Trade Exhibit held in Washington DC at the Shoreham June 5-8 1966. The interior pages list the program highlights; there are education sessions, networking opportunities with experienced booksellers and publishers, featured keynotes, gala and cocktail hours, and author readings. The back page of the program features the prizes booksellers or exhibitors could win by attending specific sessions. Some of the prizes include a portable television set. tape recorder, and a portable typewriter. ABA's address at this time was 175 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10010
If You Want A Book Chart
This chart was a supplement to the ABA newsletter in preparation for the winter holiday season. It was designed to assist booksellers to find a customer's desired book. The columns indicate what a customer knows about a book, the rows are sources a bookseller can check to locate the bibliographic information.