Dr. J. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters
A dark green, partially corked glass bottle containing brown residue and a rectangular box, both claiming to be "The Great Blood Purifier, and Life-Giving Principle" and containing a list of the ailments the product claims to remedy.
The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: The great blood purifier and life-giving principle. A remedy for dyspepsia, indigestion, rheumatism, diarrhea, consumption, catarrh, bronchitis, neuralgia, headache, boils and ulcers, sore eyes, dropsy, scald head, paralysis, erysipelas, scrofula, tetter, skin diseases, bilious, remittent and intermittent fevers. Pains in the back, shoulders, heart and chest, liver and kidney complaints, stomach ache, jaundice, gout and fits, dizziness, colds and coughs, croup, palpitations of the heart, lead colic, nausea, biliousness, dysentary, piles, etc. Pin, tape and other worms lurking in the system of so many thousands are effectually destroyed and removed. For female complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or the turn of life, this tonic bitters has no equal. Aperient, diaphoretic and carminative, nutritious, laxative, diuretic, sedative, counter-irritant, sudorific, alterative, and anti-bilious.
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R. H. McDonald Drug Company
box: 9 1/2 in x 3 1/8 in x 3 1/8 in; 24.13 cm x 7.9375 cm x 7.9375 cm
bottle: 8 1/4 in x 3 in; 20.955 cm x 7.62 cm
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Gift of Richard Holstein