Buffalo Lithia Spring Water No 2
A corked glass bottle full of water. The brown label text describes the ailments the product claims to cure as well as dosage instructions. The label and top of cork depict a seated woman wearing a long dress. A seated Native American man is in relief on the back of the bottle.
The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: indicated in all affections due to the Uric Acid Diathesis - Gout or Rheumatism in all their forms, Stones in the Bladder, Kidneys, or Liver; Bright's Disease and Kidney Diseases of every form; Albuminuria of Pregnancy or Scarlet Fever; Uraemia and its accompanying troubles; Menstrual Irregularities; Acid Dyspepsia; Nervous Disorder in all its forms; Maleral Fever; and in the preparations of Artifical Food for Infants.
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Buffalo Lithia Spring Water Co.
Gift of Mr. Albert Lambert, Lambert Pharmacy