
Description is exactly The pussyhat was designed by Krista Suh and Jayna Zweiman, two women from Los Angeles, California knitting community connected to The Little Kinttery , a yarn shop. They envisioned creating a sea of pink at the Women's March in January of 2017. They created and distributed these hats, and published free patterns online for people to knit, crochet, and sew these hats. The hats have received their share of controversy. The name itself has been considered vulgar, or cis-centric in its language. Though some have defended it as a whimsical choice or a pointed critique of Donald Trump's words, it is important to recognize bias in the craft community and to open up conversations about intersectionality. Krista Suh, one of the designers of the hat, once described the hat itself as a "trickster spirit"--once they released it into the world, it took on a life of its own. She and Jayna Zweiman hope that it will stand as a symbol of feminist solidarity.
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