Entertainment Scenes in Yuanmingyuan in Twelve Months, Yongzheng
This is a group of works showing the daily life of Emperor Yongzheng, arranged in the order of 12 months in spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The paintings are mainly landscape pavilions, and the architectural descriptions are delicate, including Chinese garden buildings and Western pavilions. Terraces and pavilions, and even those who combine Chinese and Western, the landscape of the picture may be created by the painter combining the architecture of Yuanmingyuan with his imagination.
A Brocade of Spring Radiance
In this painting is a mountain stream flowing down to where pheasants and decorative rocks are seen. By and on the rocks are various flowers, bamboo, and spirit fungi. The subject matter is auspicious for the start of a prosperous New Year and an allusion to the expression “A Brocade of Spring Radiance”-hence, the title of this painting.
Xian'e Changchun Album - Chrysanthemum
This album consists of sixteen leaves divided among blossoms of the four seasons and scattered with rocks, birds, insects, and other plants. The subjects appear to have been taken from scenes in the imperial gardens, and all of them appear to have been meticulously arranged. The placement of the main and subsidiary subjects is also rendered perfectly and the coloring gorgeous, making this work a masterpiece synthesizing the best of Chinese and Western painting traditions. Selected for exhibit here are the fourth leaf on the subject of crab apple and magnolia blossoms along with the sixth leaf rendering yellow rose and bleeding heart blossoms. The signature on this album done in Sung-script style suggests it was done by Giuseppe Castiglione sometime between his arrival in China around 1715 and the early Ch’ien-lung reign (1736-1795).
Stark's Headache Powders
White box containing small paper packets of powder. Text lists the price as "8 POWDERS 25 CENTS."
The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: For relief of simple headache and neuralgia pains and minor menstrual discomforts. Directions: Put powder on tongue, take with drink of water. Repeat in 3 or 4 hours if necessary. Warning: Too frequent use may be injurious. Do not take more than 3 powders in 24 hours. Not for use by Children [printed on label].
Drug active ingredients: acetophenitidine [acetophenetidin, Phenacetin], 5 grains, caffeine, soda.
Buffalo Lithia Spring Water No 2
A corked glass bottle full of water. The brown label text describes the ailments the product claims to cure as well as dosage instructions. The label and top of cork depict a seated woman wearing a long dress. A seated Native American man is in relief on the back of the bottle.
The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: indicated in all affections due to the Uric Acid Diathesis - Gout or Rheumatism in all their forms, Stones in the Bladder, Kidneys, or Liver; Bright's Disease and Kidney Diseases of every form; Albuminuria of Pregnancy or Scarlet Fever; Uraemia and its accompanying troubles; Menstrual Irregularities; Acid Dyspepsia; Nervous Disorder in all its forms; Maleral Fever; and in the preparations of Artifical Food for Infants.
Dr. J. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters
A dark green, partially corked glass bottle containing brown residue and a rectangular box, both claiming to be "The Great Blood Purifier, and Life-Giving Principle" and containing a list of the ailments the product claims to remedy.
The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: The great blood purifier and life-giving principle. A remedy for dyspepsia, indigestion, rheumatism, diarrhea, consumption, catarrh, bronchitis, neuralgia, headache, boils and ulcers, sore eyes, dropsy, scald head, paralysis, erysipelas, scrofula, tetter, skin diseases, bilious, remittent and intermittent fevers. Pains in the back, shoulders, heart and chest, liver and kidney complaints, stomach ache, jaundice, gout and fits, dizziness, colds and coughs, croup, palpitations of the heart, lead colic, nausea, biliousness, dysentary, piles, etc. Pin, tape and other worms lurking in the system of so many thousands are effectually destroyed and removed. For female complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or the turn of life, this tonic bitters has no equal. Aperient, diaphoretic and carminative, nutritious, laxative, diuretic, sedative, counter-irritant, sudorific, alterative, and anti-bilious.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, for Women
A tall, narrow glass bottle with a black metal screw-on cap, a paper label, and dark brown residue on the inside. Bottle accompanied by a rectangular box. Both objects include text informing consumers of the active ingredients and dosage instructions. Text on side of box claims that the product can be used to treat "PERIODIC PAINS AND ASSOCIATED NERVOUSNESS BACKACHE AND HEADACHE DUE TO FUNCTIONAL MENSTRUAL DISTURBANCIES."
Active ingredients: valerian root, black haw, blue cohosh root, unicorn root, black cohosh root, Oregon grape root. [according to labels]
Official Report of the American Booksellers' Association: Ninth Annual Convention
This was the report from the 1909 Annual Convention and Banquet, held at Hotel Victoria and Hotel Astor, both in New York on May 11-12 1909. The interior pages describe why a bookseller should be a member of the ABA and how it would benefit their bookstore as well as tips for how to run a more profitable and successful business. The back page notes the dates for the tenth annual convention. Note: it is possible that pages were stapled in the interior since there is evidence of staple holes. This is the only copy the ABA has of this program.
ABA 1966 Convention: Advance Program
This is the advance program for ABA's Convention & Trade Exhibit held in Washington DC at the Shoreham June 5-8 1966. The interior pages list the program highlights; there are education sessions, networking opportunities with experienced booksellers and publishers, featured keynotes, gala and cocktail hours, and author readings. The back page of the program features the prizes booksellers or exhibitors could win by attending specific sessions. Some of the prizes include a portable television set. tape recorder, and a portable typewriter. ABA's address at this time was 175 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10010
If You Want A Book Chart
This chart was a supplement to the ABA newsletter in preparation for the winter holiday season. It was designed to assist booksellers to find a customer's desired book. The columns indicate what a customer knows about a book, the rows are sources a bookseller can check to locate the bibliographic information.
Micajah's Medicated Wafers
Box for Micajah's Medicated Wafers. Text includes the ailments the product claims to cure as well as claims that the product is "Easy of Application" and "Continuous in action." Back of box reads: "Contents of this box Twenty-five Micajah's Wafers." Bottom of box reads: "TRADE MARK Micajah & Co.; REG U.S. PAT OFFICE." The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: irritation, congestion, hyper-secretion, etc.
Hydrozone - A Powerful Destroyer of Bacteria, Microbes and Germs in the Human System
A corked glass bottle with a cloth cork covering. The red paper label contains a large amount of small white text describing the ailments the product claims to cure. The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are:
Treatment of catarrh, hay fever, diphtheria, croup quinsy, tonsilitis, sore throat, whooping cough, bronchitis, asthma, women's weaknesses.
Tuttle's Family Elixir
Poster depicting a formally dressed man using a cane standing in profile and the front of a box for Tuttle's Family Elixir. Poster reads: "TUTTLE'S FAMILY ELIXIR; KILLS PAIN and assists nature to strengthen and cure ; It Has No Equal; Permanent Relief for RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, Lame Back, Sore Throat, Bruises, Etc."
Baldwin's Herbal Medicines
Poster advertising Baldwin's Herbal Medicines. Text reads: "BALDWIN'S PATENT HERBAL MEDICINES; A LIFE INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR NERVOUSNESS; DEBILITY; CONSUMPTION; INSOMNIA; LOWNESS OF SPIRITS; Price 1 1/2 and 2/6 Per Bot." A cherub at the center of the poster holds a banner that reads "THE MEDICINE OF NATURE."
Fight Pain and Disease with Morris Evans' Renowned Remedies
Poster depicting a man wearing briefs facing an entity that appears to be a man from the waist up and a gust of wind or tornado from the waist down. The image of the men is framed in navy blue and is surrounded by illustrations of various patent medicine boxes.
Baby Cough Syrup
A corked glass bottle containing residue from a dark brown liquid. The paper label on the front face of the bottle advertises the bottle as containing three fluid ounces of "BABY COUGH SYRUP" as well as directions for dosage and administering.
The indications or uses for this product as provided by the manufacturer are: Used for coughs and ordinary throat irritations. Alcohol (drug active ingredients).
Maybelline Mascara
T. rex Head Iteration 2
A head sculpt of Tyrannosaurus rex built over a 3D printed skull.
Y.L.O., vol. 1, no. 5
Volume 1, Issue 5 of newspaper from the Young Lords Organization
Young Lords, Inc.
Document on the Young Lords Party for rallies, community/organizational development, youth leadership, membership drive, and cultural events/fundraisers.
Photograph of the Young Lords Party and Black Panther Party buttons
A black and white photograph of an unidentified person wearing a leather jacket and two buttons. The button on the left of the photograph reads: [Free the Panther 21]. It has a graphic of a fist holding a gun. The button on the right of the photograph reads: [Tengo Puerto Rico En Mi Corazon / YLP]. It has a graphic of a map of Puerto Rico with a fist holding a gun. The back of the photograph is blank.
Photograph of Denise Oliver
A black and white photograph of Denise Oliver, the first female member of Young Lords Party Central Committee. Oliver stands above two unidentified men and holds a document in front of her with her left hand. One of the unidentified men is holding a flag. Buildings and fire escapes are visible in the background of the photograph. The back of the photograph is blank.
Photograph of Denise Oliver, Young Lords Party
A black and white photograph of Denise Oliver. Oliver is at the center of the photograph and looks to the right. She wears a leather jacket with a popped collar and a beret with three pin back buttons promoting the Young Lords Party. Oliver holds a white cup in her proper left hand and a cigarette in her proper right hand between her index and middle fingers. Unidentified men and women are seen in the lower foreground and background. On the back of the photograph there is an inscription with information about the photograph date and the photographer.
Poster for the Young Lords Breakfast Program
A white poster with large, black and white photograph in the upper half. The photograph shows children sitting at tables with food and drinks. Adults wearing hats and black berets stand near and behind the tables. Below the photograph, in the lower half of the poster is black text that reads: [SUPPORT FREE BREAKFAST FOR OUR CHILDREN / YOUNG LORDS FEED HOT MEALS/ TO NEIGHBORHOOD CHILDREN EVERY DAY / we would like to feed more children / DONATIONS OF FOOD & MONEY ARE NEEDED/Young Lords Organization / 75 Park Ave., Newark 482-8313]. The back of the poster is blank.
Palante, Volume 3, Number 3
A copy of Palante newspaper, volume 3, number 3 with a blue background and a photograph on the front cover. The photograph features six people, the leaders of the Young Lords Party, including Juan Gonzalez, Juan "Fi" Ortiz, Gloria Gonzalez, Denise Oliver, David Perez, and Pablo "Yoruba" Guzman in front of a Puerto Rican flag. At the top of front is the mast head, outlined in black, with black text that reads: [PALANTE / 25 / cents / LATIN REVOLUTIONARY NEWS SERVICE / YOUNG LORDS PARTY]. The mast head features a silhouette of the logo of the Young Lords Party on the right side. The logo includes text: [TENGO PUERTO RICO / EN MI / CORAZON / YLP], translated as "I have Puerto Rico in my heart." The bottom fourth of the front is a caption listing the people in the image, as well as the volume and number, with a featured article title. The interior has black type and consists of twenty-three pages. The newspaper contains articles in both English and Spanish.